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CCLR Webinar - Brownfields Bioremediation
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PST
Category: Webinars

Functional Fungi: Bioremediation strategies for Brownfields

Webinar Date: Wednesday May 29, 2024 | 11 a.m. PST

You might be familiar with mushrooms on a tree stump or your pizza, but did you know mushrooms can be used for pollution cleanup? As nature’s decomposers, this is the job fungi were made for! Join CCLR Revitalization Specialist Sebastian Harrison and mycoremediation expert Danielle Stevenson, PhD as they discuss innovative approaches to brownfield site clean-up, the crucial role fungi can play in healing our 'soils', and Danielle's groundbreaking research undertaking phyto-mycoremediation studies in 3 brownfields across the LA area.

This webinar will be suited to both experienced practitioners in remediation interested in an alternative approach to site-clean up as well as those starting their journey with brownfields interested in a mycoremediation 101 and the role nature based cleanups can have in brownfield revitalization.

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